Many people in search of clean and fresh air are changing their apartments in towns and cities to private homes in the suburbs. During the arrangement of such houses everyone would like to create the most pleasant and comfortable conditions for themselves, but not everyone thinks about the fact that clean and fresh air must be both outside and inside the premises.
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In order for all this to become a reality, just invented the system of air ventilation. Ventilation is the process of exchange of air in the room, in order to remove excess heat, moisture, and other harmful substances.
To choose the right ventilation system, you need to know how and to what level such a system can provide air exchange, and whether it can cope with the existing level of pollution. The most common in domestic homes is a system of natural ventilation, so to speak is cheap and sulfuric.
But the low cost and simplicity of such a system are probably the only advantages. So for those who want to ensure a comfortable living environment, it is more appropriate to install a modern ventilation system that can automatically regulate the microclimate parameters of the room.