This group of construction products includes almost all equipment for kitchens, sanitary facilities, water supply and sewage systems, as well as for various heating systems. According to their intended use for the above purposes they are divided into separate groups and types of equipment and special materials. Their general classification features include resistance to corrosion, interaction with water and other aggressive media. Another important feature is the adaptability to sharp temperature changes. As a group of materials that are most often used to manufacture products of these items include ceramics, metals, asbestos cement, various polymers and fiberglass materials. Now very often when you buy plumbing fixtures, they can not install it on their own so they almost always call a plumber.
Polymers and products based on them are widespread today. Instead of traditional cast iron or steel, fiberglass materials combined with composite polymers have found their way into the production of bathtubs. Such tubs are as strong as cast iron or steel products. Polymers and composite ceramic materials are used in heating and water systems. Having high strength and increased resistance, and almost total immunity to water, they almost completely supersede the market of metal fittings for connections of various pipelines.