When you design and build a country house, you want to embody as many ideas as possible in the layout and create a comfortable place to live. One of the elements that will give the house a cozy and fabulous atmosphere can be a winter garden.
A winter garden should not be confused with a greenhouse. A greenhouse is a structure that stands apart from the house and serves primarily for the cultivation of plants. While the winter garden – this is most often the structure adjacent to the house, which provides for heating, ventilation, humidity control and good insulation, and it serves for year-round cultivation of indoor and thermophilic fastidious plants and aesthetic recreation of the inhabitants of the house.
Nevertheless, both for greenhouses and winter gardens use similar materials /greenhouses.html. Recently I’ve been buying materials in the store gtconcept and was satisfied.
Winter garden can be annexed to the house, a continuation of the veranda, a transitional room between the garden and the house, and it can also be on the roof of the building. Location of winter gardens on elevated areas, especially on the roof, is advisable in the vastness and beauty of the opening landscape. In any case, such a structure includes natural light, and therefore has a glass wall and ceiling, which allows its owners throughout the year to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets, the sun, the stars, snow and rain.
So if you decide to build a winter garden, first of all you need to decide where it will be located, depending on your wishes, the size of the plot and the ability to view the panorama around. From this choice depends on what type of foundation will be most expedient to use.
One of the primary choices will also be the material of manufacture. Winter garden can be made of the most environmentally friendly material – wood, or you can use a more economical aluminum or steel frame. If in your imagination winter garden should certainly be a wooden one, but financial constraints contribute to the choice of material, there is always the possibility to decorate the metal frame under the wooden one.
From the choice of windows and the installation of structures directly depends not only tightness and thermal insulation, but also the possibility of ventilation and safety for humans. For the winter garden there is the installation of windows, safe in case of damage, with the possibility of different degrees of toning, which will make this corner not only winter, but also comfortable in the excessively sunny days of any season.