A stretch ceiling is a product that is sewn from separate pieces of PVC film. The thickness of the cloth leaves an average of 0.18 cm. Drawing a pattern, as a rule, performs a professional technologist, because in this case a lot of nuances that must be taken into account. Holes for mounting pipes, chandeliers, in the area of ventilation grilles, alarm sensors are cut directly in the film and reinforced with fasteners. The canvas is mounted on a plastic profile, which is attached to the wall of the room near the ceiling.
Care for such a ceiling is quite simple: it is periodically washed with soapy water, then washed with clean water.
Dust and dirt are removed with warm water and grease with ammonia or glass cleaner. It is necessary to know that stretch ceilings do not suffer from water, and are not subject to decay. Actually this quality makes it possible to use them in the bathroom and swimming pool.
Stretch ceilings /gallery/50 allowed to wash with any detergents, but only a soft rag. Categorically forbidden to wash the ceiling with a brush, as the film can tear.
A square meter of stretch ceiling film can withstand about 100 liters of water, so you can not fear the sudden flooding. But if such an accident happens, the water is removed through the holes for lighting fixtures. The material immediately restores its shape.
Damage to the suspended ceilings is the impact of sharp objects, which can scratch or pierce them. If the ceiling is damaged in any way (cut, punctured), then you must immediately seal the damaged area with tape. Also undesirable effect of temperatures below -5ºС. Then the material can simply crack.