Probably few people know that the ceiling insulation can be made not only with gypsum board, but also with gas concrete, which is an excellent insulating material. In addition, it is very lightweight and can easily be glued to the ceiling. For this work will need aerated concrete 600x300x100 mm. Now it is necessary to prepare the surface: clean and prime it. After the primer will dry, it is necessary to apply glue with a special comb trowel to the aerated concrete. Glue is better to use one that is suitable for polystyrene boards.
Now you can glue the boards to the ceiling in “staggered” order. If you need not a whole slab, but its small piece, for example, for gluing from the edge, then you can cut aerated concrete with an ordinary hacksaw for wood. After that you can prime the surface, glue the mesh and putty. Such a surface can be painted, covered with ceiling tiles or wallpaper. This technology is similar to the technology of insulation of the ceiling with polystyrene boards, but is simpler. Another effective technology is insulation of the ceiling with drywall – it is also economical financially, you can do all the work yourself, quickly and easily.