Fast food outlets are very popular today. There is nothing surprising here, because nowadays most people simply do not have time to cook, to have a proper lunch during the working day. In addition, for many people fast food has become a favorite food, although such food is not always good for the body.
How to open your own pancake parlor
If you compare with hamburgers and shawarma, the pancakes are much healthier, and at a lower price they are cheaper. So why not open a pancake house instead of a shawarma tent?
These are the main advantages of pancakes:
They’re very easy to make;
The fillings for them can be a wide variety;
A couple of pancakes can already be full, and they are healthier than other fast food;
They cost less than popular hamburgers;
And the children and adults like them.
So, where to start, if you decide to open your own pancake house? Of course, to begin with the registration of the legal entity. Here you can get by with individual entrepreneurship.
Room for a pancake house
Of course, the pancake shop should be placed in a crowded place so that many customers were attracted by the aroma of hot pancakes. Do not forget to comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station. The room must be sixty square meters or more, along with the kitchen and visitor’s lounge.
Interior of the pancake house
We advise you to decorate your pancake house in a rustic style, use wooden furniture, wooden decoration. Let the waiters wear their trademark costumes to support the Russian country style…
Pancakes are easy to make, so you do not have to hire an expensive chef, but in any case, the chef should be able to cook. But the waiters should know how to establish contact with visitors, their stamina should be excellent, so that if anything, they can easily smooth out conflicts.
Don’t serve customers just one pancake, no matter how tasty it is! Expand the range to attract customers. Include on the menu dumplings, drinks, dumplings. And, of course, customers must have a choice of toppings for pancakes.
Here’s what equipment you’ll need to buy:
Boiling pot, fridge, mixer, blender;
automatic pancake maker (usually produces 350 pancakes per hour).
Equipment costs an average of two hundred thousand Russian rubles.
Now it remains to calculate the costs of the pancake house, as well as income from it. Cost per pancake without stuffing – two rubles, you’ll sell it for ten or twenty rubles.
How to open your own pancake room
The cost of the pancake rises on the basis of the chosen filling – the more elite it is, the higher the price of the pancake will be. Of course, in this case a pancake with caviar will cost more than a pancake with sour cream. With the proper approach this business will pay for itself quickly, so it’s up to you to decide – is it worth opening your own pancake shop or stop at another tent with a harmful fast food.