A fur coat can rightly be considered a real luxury item for the owner. And, of course, a good coat costs a lot of money. However, in some stores unprepared buyers can be deceived and sold under the guise of a valuable fur, an ordinary low-quality skin.
How to distinguish a good coat from a bad one
Therefore, before going to choose a long-awaited fur coat, it is worth knowing by what signs you can distinguish the natural product from the fake.
Warmth and durability
Of course, how warm a fur coat will be and how long it will last you depends on the fur it is made of. For example, if the coat of mink, sable or raccoon you can wear from 10 to 15 years, but the coat of nutria or fox, alas, no longer than 5 years. However, Mouton, fox and nutria fur coats can keep you warm even in the most severe frosts.
The Downside
It is on the underside you can determine how durable the coat will be. If the wrong side, soft, elastic, and easy to bend, then it will serve you for a long time. Such a fur coat will sit on your figure, and will “repeat” all your movements, and therefore will be less worn out. In addition, pay attention to the bottom edge of the coat. In a quality product there is no need to hem the lining. The bottom line is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a fur coat. The color of the underside can also tell a lot about the quality of the product. It must be white. If the inside is yellow or brown, it indicates that old fur was most likely used for the piece.
Many people mistakenly believe that the lighter the coat, the better. Of course, if it is a matter of convenience, it is much more comfortable to walk in a lightweight coat than in a heavy and dense. But remember that the lighter the coat, the colder you will be in it. If you buy the product not only for beauty, but also for warmth, then you need to carefully consider the weight of the coat. The small thickness and large distance between the hairs, which is not at all typical for fur, not only indicates that you will freeze in it, but also that the manufacturer has clearly decided to save money on this product. Which means that you can not consider such a coat of high quality. If the coat is cut short, but originally the fur was long, it will not keep you warm either. But if you decide to buy such a thing at the end of autumn and are not going to wear it in severe frost, then such a coat is quite suitable.
How to distinguish a good fur coat from a bad one
Another sign of the quality of a fur coat is the shine of the nap, the smoothness and softness of the product, the lack of gaps and other defects. Paying attention to all this, you are sure to buy a good quality fur coat.