Every day a person is faced with a flood of information, which affects almost all of the senses. Causing both positive and negative emotions.
How to distinguish the advertising text from the ordinary
This is especially true of advertising, which has long been part of our lives.
Advertising on billboards, on vehicles, in print media and on the Internet constantly reports on current promotions and any new products and services. Often the advertising text is so veiled, that just after coming home a man understands that he was the victim of an elementary fraud and bought absolutely unnecessary to him thing. But you can not always see only the negative side of advertising. Well-written text can tell a colorful story about the new solutions and technologies, while a simple set of words would not attract attention and the person would not be aware of the important things for him.
What kind of text is considered advertising and how to distinguish it from the usual narrative
Firstly you should understand that every advertising text has a hidden meaning, in fact not for nothing copywriters are mostly psychologists who know how to tell about a product or service, affecting the aforementioned human senses.
Next, you can define for yourself some points that distinguish the advertising text from the usual one:
Advertising text always carries cognitive information (even if it starts with how wonderful to relax in the summer on the beach, at the end you can see an offer to relax with a specific travel agency or to buy a swimsuit from this manufacturer).
In the advertising text there are always certain words, by which you can immediately understand whether it is artfully veiled advertising text or just a specific offer to do something (these are words such as: “we want to offer”, “you can try”, “the first visit is free”, etc.)
A simple text that does not contain advertising information looks simple and does not attract attention with a bright font, pictures and photos. As well as not unusual design, which, one way or another, attracts the eye.
How to distinguish the advertising text from the usual
Location of the text. Most often, the advertising text can be seen in places of greater congestion. For example, on a certain part of the road there is a constant traffic jam. Enterprising advertising agency director had long ago reserved for himself this place and put there seemed not to be deliberately not a large billboard or ran ads on the side of the store, which is located in this place. Focusing on the fact that people are forced to wait a certain time will be willy-nilly, to look around, and this is what advertising is designed for, a constant flicker in front of the eyes, so that when a person sees a similar product, immediately remembered and identified it with a recently seen advertisement. By the way, he may not remember that this ad was on the billboard, but only see somewhere else seen words or a specific product.