If you decide to open your own store, first of all decide what you’ll sell. The idea of your future store determines the profit on sales. Think carefully about what products are important to customers. Assess whether your product will be competitive and in demand. Choose how you sell, self-service or over-the-counter sales. Decide on the area where your store will be located. Study the population, needs and purchasing power. Be sure to make a business plan that will help you ensure the sequence of actions. A business plan is made even when opening a small retail outlet.
Particular attention should be paid to the package of documents required to open his store.
In order to register a company, you need to provide the following information:
The number of founders of the firm;
The name of the company;
Kind of activity;
The system of taxation;
Authorized capital in cash or property;
You will be asked to specify a general manager and chief accountant.
You will need to get a conclusion from the State Fire Supervision Service. Provide insurance policy and a contract for the installation of fire alarms. Identify the employee who will be responsible for fire safety, and conduct training. In Rospotrebnadzor you need to get a sanitary-epidemiological certificate. Employees must have medical books. It is necessary to get permission to use cash registers. It is necessary to register a specific cash register. Signboard with the name of the store, in fact, is a billboard. Therefore, it is also necessary to obtain permission. It is much easier to seek help from a legal agency. For a fee you will have all the necessary services to obtain permits and certificates.
Based on what service system in the store you have chosen, order trade equipment. Do not lose sight of the design design. All must be made in the same style to create a pleasant atmosphere and attract customers.
When selecting staff for the store, consider your line of business. The seller should not only give out the goods, but also be able to sell them. Be sure to conduct training. Prepare in advance the opening of the store, let it be a holiday.