Undoubtedly one of the most important goals in life is the purchase of real estate. This pleasure is not for everyone, and sometimes people spend many years to achieve their goals. And this means that if so much time is spent on it, then in the end you want to buy something really worthwhile, and when the necessary amount appears, it is immediately invested in real estate. Most often in the secondary.
True, this option also has its disadvantages. You will need to find a lawyer who will participate in your transaction. The main reason for this is that the apartment already had an owner, and possibly more than one. And often the sale transaction may be invalid, and because of this you can lose time and a significant amount of money. The lawyer must carefully examine the history of the apartment, all the registrations in it and its collateral history. In case you have even a little suspicion, there are two options: take a risk in case you like the apartment very much, or keep looking.
The main advantage of the secondary housing market is that you can choose an apartment of varying degrees of comfort – with major repairs, with cosmetic repairs or already suitable for habitation. The cheapest option is the first option, but in such an apartment, you will have to invest extra money for its arrangement, without which you can not do without. The second option is the most suitable for people who have a limited budget. In such a living space, you can live for some time and only then make repairs.
You can also use the elite version of the apartment, but this option is very rare. Of course, the number of houses located in a closed guarded area, underground parking and other amenities is much smaller, and they are not affordable to every resident.
During the search for an apartment on the secondary market, do not forget that a great role played by the location of real estate – the apartment in the bedroom community will cost much more than the same housing in the same area, but with poor infrastructure and poor transportation accessibility, but cheaper than housing in the city center.